
 While visiting St Simon Island in October 2015. A simple gate to a Cemetery from the early 1800's.
 This dilapidated Barn is just 2 miles from home, I pass it just about every day. With either a Sunrise or Sunset, the building seems to come to life.
 These Dorma windows belong to an 1868 Mansion here in Jefferson City-just 5 miles away.
 The First Tennessee Bank Building in downtown Knoxville Tennessee.
 Here, I got a little creative. For one of my photography projects I had to shoot an image depicting 'My Bedroom', to heck with that, so I decided to shoot the spare bedroom, then used my Crystal ball to twee the image.

 Now this beauty is rather a technical accomplishment. Usually, when taking a shot of a bridge, either the underside is dark and the sky is perfect, or the under side is lit correctly and then the sky is blown out. So, to override this I took 3 images. First image the underside of the bridge was lit correctly, second- the sky was correctly lit and the third, the structure was lit correctly. I then processed all 3 image together in one of my image programs. Anyway, this is Gay Street Bridge in Knoxville Tennessee.
 Just a simple walk through in Morristown.
 This is the County Court Building in Morristown (where you go to pay speeding fines-mmmmm). I took this image around 2013-you'd never be able to get in there and take photographs any more. This is one of my favourite images-on many levels. I was following a course on basic photography, I had to shoot something that follows the elements of design. The element which I was aiming for was 'Symmetry'. Unbeknown to me, I had also included the elements of 'Leading Lines',  'Tone on Tone' and 'Curvilinear'. Also, this was one of my first images shot in Manual mode.
 Simple enough-right. Actually its following several Elements of design. 'Strong Diagonal', 'Rule of 3' and 'Rule of 3rds'. And, at this point in the course-I had no idea what I was doing. The Tutor simple told us that our homework for the first week was to take our cameras everywhere we go and SHOOT. So shoot I did. She asked why I shot this-I told her I had no idea-she informed me that I had the beginings of a Photographers eye-well whoopty me.
 Just a replica of the Liberty Bell here in East Tennessee.
 A Castle on the Isle of Wight-2014.
 A gate at Hampton Court Palace, 2013.
 Now, this is another one of all time favourites. This was shot at a really old Church on the Isle of Wight 2013. It's a little hard to explain, but I will try. There is actually 2 structures in the image. The fore front is a gateway leading to a sarcophagus, 12 feet away you then have the outer wall/window. I know it looks like one window-what confuses the image, is that the front 3 railings, are aligned perfectly against the mason work of the back wall. I can assure you-I did not intentionally  align the gate and wall. The Photography Gods just smiled on me that day.

Beautifully Embossed Gate at Hampton Court Palace. 2013 
 I think this is Senate Building in Savannah Georgia.
Now the, this is taken at one of my all time favourite Wineries. Chateau Montelana, Napa Valley California. If you have ever watched the Movie 'Bottle Shock'- then this is the actual Chateau. We visited the Chateau while in San Francisco for the 'Americas Cup' in 2013.

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